AGM: Monday 20 November

The year-end approaches and that means we are gearing up for another end-of-year AGM for the Health Research Foundation – Hawke’s Bay. The board, committee and others closely involved come together to review and reflect upon the past year.


This year, Jackie Benschop (Professor of Veterinary Public Health and Co-Director Molecular Epidemiology and Public Health Laboratory) will be speaking about her research she currently conducts on leptospirosis, a disease hitting our farmers the hardest, and the impact that major weather events (Cyclone Gabrielle) have on the evolution of this disease.


If you have always been interested in the research projects the foundation funds, send us an email as there are a few extra spots available for those interested to learn more about the foundation and / or meet its members.

What?             AGM 

When?            Monday 20 November 2023

Time?              5:15pm start, 7pm finish

Where?           Hawke’s Bay Memorial Hospital

Room?             Breakout Room 1

More info?

Author: Laura